We are staring down the starting line of the weekend. Weekends can be some peoples relaxing little reprieve from the workplace mental space we hold on to all week long. Even if you don't have a CVS receipt-sized to-do list at work, there's always going to be that, at least a bit of, workplace responsibility tension holding the business week routine in place. None of this even matters to our weekend warriors. The people that deal with the rest of our cranky asses over the weekend while we "recover from the work week". If you're one of the latter...I thank you for your efforts...signed - the collective.
I have some things I have to do on Saturday that aren't necessarily relaxing, adulting tasks at their finest. What this publication is actually being pointed at today is balance. Balance and mindfulness(not to be confused with mind fullness, we can address that at a later date).
I really just wanted to drop in today and remind you all that when life is getting busy, maybe you have obligations rising up outside of the work routine, possibly your kid's routines are taking over, or perhaps you just filled your plate a bit too much(we'll talk about people pleasing later). Either way, you seriously have to make sure you're filling your cup enough to be able to pour into others. Yes, I'm sure some of you are tired of that analogy and maybe you're asking "Well then Mitchell, how do you suppose I do something about this in my life?". I'm getting there...have some patience, geez.
"Weekend warriors. The people that deal with the rest of our cranky asses over the weekend while we "recover from the work week". If you're one of the latter...I thank you for your efforts."
This is what it's going to look like for me this weekend. I have a few things to do this weekend during my "me time". So, I am setting aside time on one of the days(Sunday) for something I want to do. Others can come along, but there is just not going to be any deviation from the plan I have in my head during this time, on this day. I choose rock hunting near Lake Michigan this weekend. It is very important that we protect this sort of self-care (however it may look for you, having the care, not the actual task) for our own mental health's sake.
This can be more difficult depending on if you have a weekend or maybe a night job. Maybe you have younger kids that require more attention to keep them alive. In those cases, you may need to change up the plan structure a bit but the one thing you cannot lose is the fact that you need time for yourself. Did you notice the "for" in there and not a "to"? Time for yourself doesn't necessarily have to be alone. What it does have to be is nurturing to your soul, being, and body. Or at least try to hit as many of those three as possibly as many times as possible.
Oops, I did it again... I came in here for a quick check-in and talked your ear off.
Have a great weekend folks. I love you all.
