217 Recovery is a resource for those affected by addiction. A place for help and a place for inspiration. Without hope and inspiration, recovery can seem impossible. 217 Recovery is a group of recovering individuals with substance use disorder who promote fun in recovery.
945 E Eighth St Suite B
Traverse City, MI 49686
217 Recovery Center Meetings
217 Recovery is here to help you on your journey to a healthier and happier life. Our peer-driven recovery support groups meet both in person and online so you can join us from the comfort of your own home. Come join us and experience the power of connection and support!
You're welcome to host your own recovery meeting, just contact Mitchell to set it up.
231-421-1903 or
Living in Recovery
with Justin
Mondays 6pm
This group is perfect for someone in early recovery as a chance for someone in longterm recovery to share what their journey was like. The topics will often be picked by group members who are dealing with issues that arise while living in recovery.
12 w/ Tim
Tuesdays 12pm
Tim hosts a fun meeting that goes over the 12 steps in a fun and interesting way.
Inspiring Music
Wednesdays 3pm
Share and discovery music that drives your recovery.
Supportive Art
Wednesdays 1:30pm
Art offers us a way to express how we feel. Each group offers an opportunity to create something you can take home. Shirts, Canvas art, Drawing, Painting, and other craft projects.
Life Recovery
with Gary
Wednesdays 6pm
Join Gary for a meeting about dealing with life on life's terms and using that to move forward in recovery.
with Tim
Thursdays 3:30pm
Recovery group with discussion, check-ins, chanting, meditations, and working through the eight worldly concerns.
Hope for Families
with Cori
Thursdays 5:30 pm
Cori hosts a meeting that welcomes family members of loved ones who have a substance use disorder or other life challenges. All are welcomed to be a part of a growing support community.
Saturday Brunch
Saturdays 10am
This meeting seems to bring together two things, great people and great food. Join the 217 Recovery Family in a one of a kind meeting each Saturday morning. No need to bring anything and it's free for everyone who attends.
Encompass Recovery
with Kim
Saturdays 11:30am
This meeting is for anyone wanting to find recovery from any addiction. All are welcome to Encompass Recovery on Saturday's at Noon.
Parenting in Recovery
Sundays 10am
Parents in Recovery come together each Sunday morning to discuss the family dynamic and how being in Recovery has helped them live in the moment.
Recovery Dharma
with Matt
Sundays 11:30am
Recovery Dharma Group offers an approach to recovery based on Buddhist principles but anyone from any religion (or no religion) can attend.