Living a life of recovery and wellness allows me to tell many people to be self-aware and take care of themselves...Something I need to get better at is practicing what I preach.
Now I can sit here and throw excuses about trauma from doctor's visits in the past, or tell myself I'm selfless and trying to put others first, and all that nonsense, but the reality is that sometimes we need to drop the bullshit and just take care of ourselves. A VERY close brush with a little illness known as pneumonia recently has reminded me to let go of the excuses and take the precautions I need to make sure that I'm okay.
"A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn't pay his bill, so he gave him another six months." —Henny Youngman
Trying to convince myself that a seasonal cold was just hard to shake, my stubbornness put my own health and the health of others around me at risk, for an entire three weeks. This isn't behavior that a person living a life of wellness should be indulging and was outright reckless. Not to mention the fact that trying to ignorantly treat my ailments with all the best over-the-counter remedies the local pharmacies had to offer started to agitate old health conditions I had worked VERY hard to get under control. The backpedaling was disheartening.
I am incredibly grateful for the people I trust who nudged me to do the right thing and get checked out. Even though I didn't want to "hassle" I don't even want to imagine where I would be today if I didn't act on those nudges at the beginning of the week.
The morals of this short story are don't be a dumbass about your wellness, surrounding yourself with a support system is super important to your recovery, and listening to them is an even bigger deal.
Until next time.
