In my quest in discovering myself I have tried to strengthen my mental muscle as much as possible. I've done things that I've never done before. I started reading, meditating, making lists, blogging/journaling and really sticking to my goals. I owe a lot of this to two different organizations that I believe have saved my life. Addiction Treatment Services and 217 Recovery. The amazing people within these organizations believed in me when I clearly gave up on myself. They taught me discipline, healthy routines, accountability and organization. Because of these attributes they have taught me and instilled in my brain I am actually achieving goals that were beyond my wildest dreams. Things that seemed so daunting to me in the past and would have resulted in me caving into my addiction further no longer haunt me, but rather they inspire me to keep pushing forward and not give up.
Today, for the first time in almost 20 years, I have been told that I have almost a bulletproof chance of getting my driver's license reinstated. This is something I almost completely gave up on, I had gotten so used to walking, riding a bike or asking for rides and relying on others that I had no desire to change my life in order to appease the courts or worse get denied and intensify my thoughts of hopelessness and failure. After a 2-and-a-half-hour phone interview with somebody handpicked by the State of Michigan today, I hung up the phone with a sense of pride, hope and gratitude. I won't get into the details, but like I said previously I feel fully confident that things are starting to change for the better. This is also the same day that forms were filed to cease the deduction of a large sum of money being garnished from my wages and the constant worry of faltering the payments and facing incarceration.
Amongst these 2 major things that have prohibiting me to relax and hindering my abilities to further succeed and hindering my abilities to follow opportunities I would like to further pursue; I was also able to get myself and my children back on insurance. The amount of paperwork and organizational skills I've needed to get through this strenuous time are directly a reflection on the mental gains I've built because of these organizations aforementioned. There are so many people I could begin to thank but that would take forever but Corey, Marney, Justin, Mitchell, David, Matt, Matt, and Mary I am forever in debt to you for all you've help me overcome. Hopefully this is only the beginning of many more amazing things that I will be able to achieve and be able to really be there for my family with no limitations. So, from me and my family to all of you who are my new extended family, a million Thank Yous! I look forward to continuing stacking gains and making you all proud. The opposite of addiction is connection and without this recovery community I'd be nothing.