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Writer's pictureMatt Rybicki

The Next Write Thing

It seems like all I have been doing lately is writing. Writing lists, writing schedules, writing papers and writing blogs. Most of these things help me. They help me to stay organized, to get things done and to get things off my chest. I never in my life thought that I'd be sitting here writing in my online journal and specifically talking about writing. I used to enjoy writing music and poems before drugs and alcohol took over my life, but that was a lifetime ago. I guess I always knew that writing was always a good outlet for me, but I never felt confident enough to really share it with people. This job along with my latest endeavors back into scholastic land have forced me to jump back into it headfirst.

This kind of writing I enjoy. The writing I have to do for school on the other hand is challenging to say the least. As much as I say I don't like my writing assignments, they do force me to get out of my comfort zone and write about things that I normally never would think about. I also enjoy the creativity involved in laying out a school paper, making it flow, and making it sound like you actually know what you are talking about. I don't spend nearly the amount of time I should when writing my papers, mainly due to the busy schedule I keep for myself, but in the past few semesters I've gotten generally good grades on them. There is something so satisfying hearing the good points you've made, especially coming from people that get paid to critique papers and pass and fail students. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that getting back into doing something you once enjoyed prior to addiction, try doing them again. They might seem strange at first, they may look different than they used to, but who knows you might still enjoy doing them. They even may bring back some childhood nostalgia. Never give up on what makes you happy or the things you think you can no longer achieve or do, you might even surprise yourself.

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