It is common knowledge that this time of year is a time for illness. Whether it be all the little ones at school swapping germs, the steady fluctuation of the weather and the ever-prominent flu/COVID season it seems like this year has hit those around me the hardest, more so than in recent years at least. My children, their mother and my coworkers have all been stricken by at least one form of sickness thus far during this winter season, but a majority of them have had multiple. For my kids and their mother who works at a nursing facility this year has been just a constant rotation of sickness. My daughter and her mom tested positive for COVID around the holidays and now my 2 youngest just tested positive for influenza A. In between this sickness, my oldest had a skin infection from wrestling. I've been at the doctor's office more times this season than days I've had to attend school.
It is hard constantly seeing people ailing all around you, it leaves me with a sense of hopelessness due to the fact that I see someone in obvious distress or pain and there is nothing I can do about it. There's nothing worse than looking at your young helpless child who obviously doesn't feel well and there's nothing you can do but give snuggles and try and tell him it's going to be okay. I just wish I could take their sicknesses away and take them myself so they can feel better.

I hope everyone stays healthy throughout the rest of this cold/flu season and if you don't I pray for a healthy and speedy recovery.